Saturday, March 22, 2014


So I was enjoying "Les Miserables"during my weekly movie night in my humble abode (or as my dad likes to say my "hovel"), and between wiping off my face at the many misty moments (those including I Dreamed a Dream, On my Own, the death of Gavroche, Little Fall of Rain, Javert's suicide, just to name a few), I was trying to figure out what to wear tomorrow because as you know, it can be a thoughtful process for me.

It was during the inspiring scene in the cafe where the lads are planning rebellion that the song Red&Black got my mind to thinking. And guess what my outfit colors were? Red. And black!

I've got to say, those colors sure are powerful- in the rebellious sense, and of representation of many hidden meanings.

The blood of angry men
The dark of ages past
A World About to dawn
The night that ends at last..

I feel my soul on fire
My world if she's not there
The color of desire
The color of despair...

Or my own version that my dysfunctional duo partner came up with..

The color of my nails
The color of my shirt..

Is there any non-awkward way to take a photo of your nails without that intense claw pose?
Anyhow, thank you to Les Miserables for sparking that thought in me!

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