Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Most Beautiful Library.

Today, I finally immersed myself into the treasure trove of FIDM's library.

I think I may have died and gone to heaven.


I've always loved libraries. Back home in Alaska, I remember rushing from the doors of the warm indoors through a snowstorm and out to my car carrying an armload of eight young adult novels. I love reading. Always have, and always will. But if I thought that traditional library was good, this one here is the top of the pyramid, the bee's knees, the ultimate epic-ness that is a library.

The library here in Orange County was actually one of the first things that sold me on coming to this particular school. Aside from the Schiaparelli pink floors and the ever fashionable design layout of the interior, I visually remember seeing the library and falling in love with the assorted collections of every fashion book ever born. And today, I finally got to go knee deep in its inside.

I came out with four books. Four books that could've been four hundred that I would rather own than check out. But for now, I'm enjoying the ability to be able to look through as many as I please whilst being here.

I think of life as a good book.The further you get into it, 
the more it begins to make sense.
-Harold Kushner

These were the four books I brought home with me. The first, a Kate Spade book, is my all time favourite. In fact, I might have even put it on my Christmas list..

Since I'm doing a project on Chanel in one of my classes.. You can never know too much about Chanel.

I found this book to be entirely fascinating on the history of vintage.

Again, another book for a project. Like this isn't fun to read by itself!

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